Monthly Resource: Focus On Your Faith
Dear Parents,
When you evaluate your priorities, what comes to the top of the list? I would guess things like family, friends, and work are all super important to you. Then, you add in all of the things your teenagers are involved in, like school, sports, and other extra-curricular activities. We then have our hobbies or other things that take up our time and attention. It can all be a bit overwhelming.
Did we forget something? Oh yeah, what about God and our relationship with Him? Sure, we can slot in our less-than-consistent church attendance and occasional thoughts about our faith, but what about true spiritual development? What about really prioritizing our faith in a way that will lead to genuine growth and life change? Well, all of that is available to us if we just learn to move, focusing on our faith to the top of the priority list. In this month’s Online Parenting Class, we give you some tangible ways you can elevate your focus on faith for both you and your family.
I hope you’ll also take the time to review our resources for the month. We’ve provided you with a helpful devotional experience called Focusing on Faith that will guide you through a time to stop, pause, and reflect on making faith a top priority. We’ve also got a helpful parenting article for you titled “Reclaiming Our Focus.” I hope these resources will help encourage you in your own faith as you lead in your home.
For more, download the Family Faith Devotional PDF, watch the video below, or reach out to Eric at